I still remember the day I took this picture like it was yesterday, lemme share a little secret with you ,I'm TERRIFIED of heights. My friend was the one who was playing photographer for the day and she asked to take that position I recall thinking "whats the worst that could happen? fall three storeys down and break my neck? well.." All I'm trying to say is that I've finally realised that life is all about taking risks, pushing the boundaries, crossing that line. As much I love clothes and diviating from the "norm" getting the stares from people has always made me uncomfortable, I guess its because I'm naturally a shy person I've just learnt to adapt. That right there is a tiny weeny piece of my soul and that's what I'm hoping this blog will be all about. Not only exploring and appreciating style and fashion but sharing our lifes' experiences as well and mostly LOVE which I believe is the foundation of life in all its splendor.This is my style.My story.My Being-
which is a clean canvas- my Creator is the painter, and my experiences- the strokes of his brush.
Enjoy :)
Sheer pussy cat bow shirt: Mr Price
High waisted shorts: Jay- Jay's
Stockings: Pick n Pay
Studded ankle heels: Catch Coco at TBY
Vintage case: thrifted
Earings: DIY |
CeCe xx
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